The MINIMAX GREENLINE roller is an efficient, high-capacity trailed grass rollers. They are specially designed to perform the best possible care and maintenance of grasslands.
The GREENLINE roller helps you increase your productivity, your yield, the quality of the field and thus the quality of the feed. This will ultimately mean a better milk quality and thus a higher settlement price.
Technical data

Hydraulic folding 3-section roller with horizontal roller sections and low centre of gravity.
All operations are controlled from the tractor.
By virtue of the big overlap between each section an optimum rolling is achieved across the whole working width - even when turning and on uneven ground.
The mechanical weight transfer (2 heavy springs) transfer the weight from the middle section to the side sections achieving an even soil pressure over the complete working width.
The DUOFLEX-System ensures that each roller section works independently. As standard, MINIMAX GREENLINE is prepared for molehill board or cracker board.
Standard equipment
MINIMAX GREENLINE standard equipment
- 610 mm drums with smooth rounded ends.
- Strong flange bearings.
- Detachable support legs.
- DUOFLEX with individual flexibility between sections.
- Automatic weight distribution with springs that ensure an
evenly distributed ground pressure is ensured across the full
working width, regardless of the contours of the soil.

Steel drum
MINIMAX GREENLINE is equipped with our special steel drum with a diameter of 610 mm, which can be filled with water for increased field pressure.
This roller is particularly suitable for working on existing grasslands where efficient consolidation and stone suppression is desired. The rounded edges that we have are a great advantage when turning on the headland and also in 'normal' work as they do not leave marks or scrapes in the ground.

Mole hill board
Mechanically adjustable mole hill board, primarily designed to increase roller performance when clearing, rolling and tending grasslands.
When using only MINIMAX GREENLINE for rolling, the molehill board can be lifted hydraulically, providing increased usability and versatility. The molehill board requires an extra double-acting hydraulic service on the tractor. In optimal working conditions we recommend a working speed of 8-10 km per hour.

Cracker board
Hydraulically operated and adjustable cracker board, consisting of strong 80 mm spring tines with 200 x 12 mm angled wearing points.
This makes it perfect for crushing clods and levelling the soil, thus leaving the soil loose, smooth and in perfect condition for the roller section. When using only MINIMAX for rolling, the cracker board can be lifted hydraulically, providing increased usability and versatility. The cracker board requires an extra double-acting hydraulic service on the tractor. In optimal working conditions we recommend a working speed of 8-10 km per hour.
Accessories and extra equipment
- Air brakes or hydraulic brakes
- High pull, fixed eye, drawbar or Scharmüller ball hitch
- LED road lights
- Stone trays
- Hydraulic jack
- Molehill board or cracker board
- DALBO seeder 300-500 l
Do you have questions?
Contact your nearest dealer or one of our employees, who is ready for a non-committal talk about your needs.